
Upcoming Workshops

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and complimentary session on lower back pain

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Our Achievements

1 – पश्चिमी म.प्र.माहेश्वरी म.सं.की स्वास्थ्य एवं पारिवारिक समरसता समिति
द्वारा ऑनलाइन लाइव
दस दिवसीय योग प्रशिक्षण व विशिष्ट कार्यशाला डायबिटीज़,थायराइड, ब्लड प्रेशर (कैसे हम इन बीमारियों को योग एवं नेचुरल तरीके से ठीक व प्रिवेंट कर सकते हैं) का आयोजन किया गया । जिसमे विन्यासा वैलनेस सेंटर की फाउंडर विनय मोदानी (yoga instructor & therapist) द्वारा कार्यशाला ली गई

  • दस दिवसीय योग प्रशिक्षण
  • मधुमेह(डायबिटीज)
  • Thyroid(थायराइड)
  • ब्लड प्रेशर(Blood Pressure)

पश्चिमी म.प्र.माहेश्वरी म.सं.की स्वास्थ्य एवं पारिवारिक समरसता समितिद्वारा ऑनलाइन लाइव 

  • दस दिवसीय योग प्रशिक्षण
  • विशिष्ट कार्यशाला 
     – मधुमेह (Diabetes)
     – थायराइड (Thyroid)
     – ब्लड प्रेशर (Blood Pressure)

Vinayasa wellness center founder Vinay Modani  – online workshop

  • Weight loss and body shaping  two days workshop
  • Breathing workshop (pranayam) with mediation and relaxation
  • Maheshwari mahila mandal pipariya
  • Lions club of suprabhat indore

स्वास्थ्य नारी सशक्त नारी
इंटरनेशनल योगा डे के अवसर पर वन डे वन अवर योगा सेशन (one day one hour yoga session) इरोड माहेश्वरी महिला मंडल* द्वारा online workshop का आयोजन किया गया
इस सेशन का मुख्य आकर्षण है (lower abdomen problems) पेट व उसके आसपास की चर्बी को योगासन से कैसे कम करें, जिसकी जानकारी विनय मोदानी द्वारा दीगई| (20/06/2020)

श्री मति उर्मिला झवर (नाथी जीजी) फाउंडेशन बाग़ में आयोजित निःशुल्क स्वास्थ्य प्रशिक्षण शिविर में विनय मोदानी द्वारा योगदान दिया गया

  • एक दिन का योग शिविर
    (one hour) 
  • बॉडी शेपिंग एंड वेट लॉस सुझाव के साथ योग के द्वारा अन्य बीमारियों को कैसे ठीक करे उसकी जानकारी दी गई

Conducted online workshops for:

  1. Yoga workshop for paschimi madhya pradesh maheshavari mahila sangathan ki swasth evam parivarik samrasta samiti.
  • Yoga classes for fitness ten days.
  • Diabetes workshop
  • Thyroid workshop
  • Blood pressure workshop
  1. Yoga workshop for maheshwari mahila mandal pipariya. 
  2. Yoga workshop for lions club of suprabhat Indore.
  3. Yoga workshop for erode maheshwari mahila mandal.
  4. Yoga workshop for shrimati urmila jhawar (Nathi GG) foundation bagh.
  5. Yoga workshop for dhar jila gram vikas evam rashtriya samaya nivaran samiti aur vyaktitva vikas karyakarta prashikshan samiti yogic management of irregular periods and menopause.
  6. Two days workshop for weight loss and body shaping.
  7. Workshop for pranayam , meditation and relaxation.
  8. Workshop for tratak on candle grazing and full moon. 

10. One day workshop for sun salutation.

 1. Paschimi Madhya Pradesh Maheshavari Mahila Sangathan ki swasth evam parivarik samrasta samiti

  • Ten-day yoga workshop
  • Visheshit workshop
    – Diabetes
    – Thyroid
    – Blood Pressure

2. Maheshwari Mahila Mandal Pipariya 

5 days Yoga session

3. Lions club of suprabhat Indore

  • 5 days Yoga session

4. Erode Maheshwari Mahila Mandal4. Erode Maheshwari Mahila Mandal

Lower abdomen problem and how to reduce belly with the help of Yoga practice

5. Shri Mati Urmila Jhawar (Nathi GG) Foundation Bagh.

  • One day yoga session
  • Body shaping and weight loss tips 

6. Dhar Jila Gram Vikas evm Rashtriya samaya nivaram Samiti aur Vyaktitva Vikas Karyakarta Prashikashan Samiti ke liye webinar on

  • Yogic management of irregular periods and menopause

1. Weight loss and body shaping  two days workshop

2. Breathing workshop (pranayam) with mediation and relaxation

3. Tratak Kriya on candle grazing

4. Full moon meditation and tratak on full moon

5. Sun salutation (suryanamaskar) one day session

2 – Online workshop taken by Vinayasa wellness center founder Vinay Modani

  • weight loss and body shaping  two days workshop
  • Breathing workshop (pranayam) with mediation and relaxation 

  • maheshwari mahila mandal pipariya


  • lions club of suprabhat indore

3 – स्वास्थ्य नारी सशक्त नारी
इंटरनेशनल योगा डे के अवसर पर वन डे वन अवर योगा सेशन (one day one hour yoga session)इरोड माहेश्वरी महिला मंडल* द्वारा online workshop का आयोजन किया गया
इस सेशन का मुख्य आकर्षण है ( lower abdomen problems) पेट व उसके आसपास की चर्बी को योगासन से कैसे कम करें….जिसकी जानकारी विनय मोदानी द्वारा दीगई…(20/जून/2020)

4 – श्री मति उर्मिला झवर (नाथी जीजी) फाउंडेशन बाग़ में आयोजित निःशुल्क स्वास्थ्य प्रशिक्षण शिविर में विनय मोदानी द्वारा योगदान दिया गया

  • एक दिन का योग शिविर
    (one hour) 
  • बॉडी शेपिंग एंड वेट लॉस सुझाव के साथ योग के द्वारा अन्य बीमारियों को कैसे ठीक करे उसकी जानकारी दी गई

नई दुनिया इंदौर पेज नंबर 7 एवं पत्रिका इंदौर पेज नंबर 12 पर कवरेज किया गया।


Our Services

Yoga for Fitness

Yoga for Fitness program is a total mind and body workout that contains strengthening and starting poses with deep breathing, mediation and relaxation. In this program, we do many different asanas which will work your entire body burn fat and tone muscles.


It affects both the physical level and mental level
Physical level
1. improved blood calculation 2. lesser fatigue 3. stronger Immunity 4. Balanced body
Mental level
Yoga practice makes the mind more calm and peaceful and releases the toxins of our body.

Make your body fit through these steps of Yoga for Fitness

  1. Warm with Joint movement
  2.  Yoga postures with sun salutations 
  3. Pranayam and meditations
  4. Relaxation

Through this unique yoga for a fitness program, your body com get a profound workout.

Yoga For Women Problems

Yoga is a combination of physical poses and breathing techniques that uplifts the psychological and physiological aspects of health. Yoga is helpful to both men and women, but what specific benefits does it bring to women?

Woman are prone to physical, mental and psychological problems because of their reproductive cycle and related hormonal imbalances. Yoga acts as a restorative process for preparing and bearing all that comes with life.
The various asanas in yoga help manage the period cycles, remove toxins, healthy body and give peace of mind.
Yoga poses combined with good breathing techniques and meditation help avoid emotional instability and develop the reproductive organs is a healthy way.
Yoga brings hormonal balance, body strength, self-acceptance and calmness in their body.
When a woman’s reproductive cycle comes to an end, the transition period hand to handle especially with a whole lot of hormonal changes.
Yoga activates the energy chakras and provides strength to women to deal with their physiological and psychological changes. 
It also balances the hormones, mood, inner peace to attain a quality of life.

Yoga for Women has a cure for:

  1. Menstrual Discomfort
  2. Menopause 
  3. Hot flashes
  4. Bone health (preventing osteoporosis)
  5. Mood swings, etc

Body Shaping and Weight Loss Programs

The practice of yoga supports physical, mental, and spiritual development that allows you to create the best version by yourself. Yoga works in different ways to bring about a healthy weight. 

With yoga’s help, you can not just bring inner peace but also lose weight.
Yoga may also be a useful tool to help you lose weight. Relaxing Yoga practice also allows you to lose weight but active, intense types of Yoga help you burn the most calories.

Yoga is the art of taming your mind and controlling your conscious senses to be active all day long. Practicing yoga makes you more conscious of the whispers of your body. As you become more conscious, you become more aware of the food you consume. Along with exercise, it is also essential to keep track of your calorie intake and food habits for proper weight loss. 
Therefore, yoga contributes significantly to your endeavor of weight loss. Practicing yoga may also help you develop muscle tone and improve your metabolism. 
Yoga is effective in assisting overweight to lose weight, including abdominal fat. Losing weight is mostly an internal process. You will first lose the hand fat that surrounds your arms, and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh.

Target areas are:

  1. Core
  2. Arms
  3. Legs
  4. Gluteus
  5. Hips
  6. Thighs

Yoga for Pregnancy

Yoga in pregnancy is a great way to stay active and is healthy for you and your baby. Yoga asanas provide holistic health benefits for to-be mothers and help keep the body supple. They relieve tension around the cervix by opening up the pelvic region. This prepares to-be-mother for labour and delivery. 

Asanas and pranayamas can train matter to breathe deeply and relax consciously, helping mothers face the demands of labour and childbirth. Yoga practice helps alleviate the effect of common symptoms such as morning sickness, painful leg cramps, swollen ankles and constipation.


Yoga asanas also help pregnant women recover faster post-delivery.


In the yoga for pregnancy program, you learn Yoga asanas, pranayama and meditation 


  • Before pregnancy
  • During pregnancy 
    1. First Trimester of pregnancy 
    2. Second Trimester of pregnancy
    3. Third Trimester of pregnancy
  • After Pregnancy


Prenatal yoga will help you experience your pregnancy pole harmoniously, relieve the pain you must be experiencing and propane you for birth with confidence.

Yoga Therapy for Disease

Yoga has proved to have a positive impact on dealing with physical and psychological ailments. Yoga is an Indian art form which has many types of asana as a way of breathing. Yoga is an ancient practice that connects the mind, body and spirit through body poses, controlled breathing and meditation.

Yoga is an ancient practice that connects the mind, body and spirit through body poses, controlled breathing and meditation.
The practice of yoga can be used as a complementary therapy in combination with conventional treatment for various diseases. Various health conditions or diseases such as asthma hypertension, diabetes, back pain point and muscle pain, knee pain and so on can be treated with several types of yoga.

Yoga for Mental Health

Yoga is the key to psychological and emotional healing as well as resolving with self-confidence and more. The whole practice helps us work with the nature of the mind the nature of being a human, how emotions live in our bodies, how they affect our behaviour and our minds.

Yoga can benefit your mental health and well being.

These are the ways yoga benefits your mental health:

  • It moves you from the sympathetic nervous system to the parasympathetic nervous system. You have less anxiety and enter a relaxed state. As soon as you start breathing deeply, you slow down out of flight or fight and calm your nervous system.  
  • It helps you build your sense of self.
  • It helps you become of your “shadow qualities.
  •  It helps reduce the impact of stress.
  • Help with anxiety and depression.
  • Improve energy and overall health and wellbeing

This course is a reclaiming the deeper roots of the practice and mental and emotional benefits with the help of asana, pranayama and meditation.

Our Founder

Mrs. Vinay Modani (Yoga instructor & therapist)

Our Founder

Running successfully yoga classes since 7 years now and taken about 20 yoga workshops sessions

– Diploma in yoga 2016 –  Choithram College, Indore
– Masters in Yoga 2018 – DAVV , Indore
– Currently pursuing PhD in yoga – International Vedic Hindu university, Florida(USA)

Training’s and certificate courses pursued
– Yoga instructor course – SVYASA, Bangalore
– Yoga therapy course – DAVV , Indore
– Yoga instructor course – Shivanand yoga
– Reiki practitioner – 2nd stage
– Certificate course in naturopathy.

Her love and passion for yoga always motivated her to learn and explore more. She aims for perfection in yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, power yoga and traditional classical yoga.

Conducting regular online classes
(Vinayasa wellness center)

Various Styles

Multiple styles of Yoga workout and Meditation that suits everyone

Pro Instructors

Professional Yoga instructor with years of experience

Quality Content

Well planned classes for quick and effective results

Photo Gallery

Benefits of Yoga

Modern postural yoga is largely but not exclusively the practice of asanas. There were very few standing asanas before 1900. By 2012, there were at least 19 widespread styles. 

Improves Emotional Wellbeing

Yoga is a therapy that uplifts mood, helps sleep better, and enhances spiritual wellness. It has the ability to soothe tension and anxiety in the mind and body.

Promotes Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to focusing your attention on what you are experiencing in the present moment. Practicing yoga increases mindfulness in all areas of a person’s life.

Enhances Fitness

Yoga is an effective way to boost muscle strength and endurance. It increases flexibility, improves posture and regulates blood flow to all parts of the body.

Fosters Balanced Diet

Yoga encourages good food habits that help shape your personality. It controls blood sugar, increases weight loss, and treats disordered eating behaviors.


Vinayasa wellness center is a holistic yoga center offering multiple yoga courses to help you heal and grow. It is run by professional instructors with experience and caliber. 

Get in touch today to live a better life!

Contact Info

Mobile no:- +91-99269-65301

Address:- 149, Bhakt Prahlad Nagar, Near Gangwal Bus Stand, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India


Enquiry time:- Monday to Saturday, 4 pm to 6 pm

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